Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm Better Than Average

In my six years of working out and trying to watch what I eat, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot more of us then there are of them.  Sure you can walk into any gym in America and see cocky guys throwing around massive amounts of weight with a "better than you" smirk on their face.   Truth is, the only place they look normal is inside those four walls of a gym.  That's their business and I support any guy who wants to build his shape that way.  This blog isn't about those guys.  Most days at least.

This blog is about the rest of us guys.  This is about the guys who strive to eat well 50% of the day.  The guys who walk around the gym aimlessly at times because they don't know what a proper workout looks like.  This is for the guys whose ladies like him just the way he is, but we know better.  The guys who hate to cook and have to eat on a budget.  This is for the guys who take protein shakes thinking that they are getting muscular by just drinking a shake.  This is for the guys who think a dead lift is the same as being a Paul Bearer at a funeral (lame attempt at humor).  The guys who want to run around with their kids well into their later years.  These are the community of guys who I want to reach out to.  The guys who have the best of intentions but don't know how to quite get started.  I'm not a professional.  I'm a 33 year old guy who loves to work out and wants to share his passion with guys who want to take the first step in changing their appearance, eating habits, confidence level, and luck with the ladies (I can't help with weird though)!

What I hope to provide is just some of the basics.  I want you guys to know what to eat and how to eat.  What a proper workout routine looks like.  Exercise examples that I will demonstrate myself so you can see a better than average guy perform them.  Not a ripped out fitness model.  What proper gym etiquette looks like.  Everything from good work out music to stories that we can all share about meeting women in the gym.  This is the blog for us average guys who strive to one day be better than average!

The average guy can do 27 push ups with good form in a minute.  I did 56 so that makes me better than average!  Take the challenge and see where you fall!  Post your number and thoughts....                 


  1. Good stuff, Jerry. Looking forward to reading more. I got 49 push ups, by the way.

  2. I did 29. I'm only a tiny bit better than the average guy. I'll take it. I'm lovin this blog Kelso!
